Roborace Season Beta Event 1.1: first try to beat the Metaverse
Last week was pretty eventful for ARG as Roborace Season Beta started into its second event at Thruxton circuit (UK).
What was the challenge?
In this event, the Roborace Metaverse was integrated for the first time— a mixed reality that blends the virtual and physical worlds together. Whereas the car is racing on the physical racetrack, virtual objects come in that have either to be avoided or collected, bringing penalty time or time credit.
Two rounds and a lot of issues
On the two racing rounds, not everything worked as planned. It started in round one with Acronis SIT crashing their car even before the start line. Also for ARG, the round did not go round. The car performed a safety stop in front of a flickering obstacle in the second lap.
In the end, only 2 out of 6 teams completed the race. So it could only get better for round 2… and it did.
ARG decided, due to the flickering issues in round 1, to completely ignore the metaverse objects and just go for speed by driving a static race line. The strategy worked: 3 completed laps and, therefore, a successfully complete round 2: Watch our race here!
Even though it was only enough to become fifth, the ARG team is proud of their performance and fully motivated to build upon that. And of course ARG congratulates the ARRIVAL team, winner of both rounds, on an incredible race!

Next time ARG will go for speed and beat the metaverse. Let’s see what is possible!